Whispers of the Night - Chapter 6 - viidvsii (2024)

Chapter Text

I awoke to a loud bang, making Stolas, Blitz, and me wake up immediately. I sat up, scurrying instinctively, my eyes barely open. I looked around, seeing Moxxie and Millie just as startled as I was. Turning towards the front door, I listened to whoever was behind it banging relentlessly.

“(Y/n), baby, let me in!” a familiar voice yelled, making me tense. I looked at the group, Stolas and Blitz joining my side as they looked in confusion. My heart began to race, my blood running cold as fear froze me in place, my mind racing.

Blitz, always quick to react, moved towards the door and opened it, his stance aggressive. “Who the f*ck are you?” Blitz hissed, greeting the man at the door with clear hostility.

“Where the hell is (Y/n)?” Jake’s voice was filled with a familiar facade. My eyes narrowed, both embarrassed and annoyed. Stolas noticed my reaction, his eyes narrowing in confusion and concern.

Blitz’s eyes flicked back to me, noticing my fear. His posture stiffened, and his tail twitched. “Why do you want to know, asshole?” he growled, stepping forward to block Jake’s view of me.

Jake tried to shove past Blitz, but the imp in disguise held his ground, his eyes blazing. “Because? I need to talk to her. So move!” Jake demanded, his voice rising. He pushed his way inside, his eyes softening when he saw me.

“Hello, hello, hello!” I groaned at his tone, knowing he was simply being nice due to the company and him wanting something. I turned away, the group eyeing him like a hawk. “You haven’t been answering my texts and calls, what’s up?”

“I was hoping my lack of conversation was an indicator that I didn’t want to speak to you,” I replied sarcastically as I leaned onto the counter next to me, my eyes narrowing as the man began to walk over. I glanced over to Moxxie and Millie, soon gesturing to my room.

“We’ll give you some space,” Moxxie spoke, taking the chance to leave. Stolas followed, Millie dragging Blitz into my room and closing the door behind them.

“Oh come on, don’t be like that, dollface. You always wanna hear from me,” he moved his arms to either side of me, drawing my attention to him.

I sighed. “Jay, what is it you want?”

“I want to feel you again, baby. So, get your fine ass to the couch so we can cuddle” Jake’s voice was flirtatious, making me look at him unamused.

“How romantic,” I spoke sarcastically. “I’m sure you would’ve had me swooning by now.” I pushed him away from me as I walked away, the man looking at me in confusion.

“Why are you really here, Jake?” I asked again, the man’s facade beginning to break as his voice became louder.

“I’m waiting for you to realize how good an angry f*ck would be right now!!” He admitted, moving closer to me. I immediately felt uncomfortable, keeping my distance.

“Get out!” I groaned, pointing at the door. He looked at me, finally showing his true anger.

“Excuse me?!”

“I’m tired of the way you treat me! You’ve only ever used me as a punching bag, and every time we break up, all you want is sex! You make me uncomfortable! Especially with how you’re speaking to me right now!”

“Oh come on, (Y/n)! You expect me to apologize? Be gentle to you?! You can’t tell me this isn’t a fantasy of yours! You want me to tame that bratty-ass attitude of yours, like always!!” He pulled me by the waist, the hairs on my arms standing as I pulled him away.

“Stop it!” He moved away, laughing at my reaction.

“I’m right! You just love to bang people you look down on!”

“I don’t look down on you! When have I ever looked down on you?! My entire life—our entire childhood! I had let you use me as your punching bag so you could release some stress! I’ve always shown people how I care about you—about your opinion!” I yelled, making Jake glare at me.

“You act like I hurt you every day of your life! We had so many fun moments with our son! You need me in your life!”

“My son, the one you didn’t even want me to have!” I hissed, soon laughing at how stupid this conversation we were having was. “But I suppose you’re right, silly me!! A man needs to be the provider of a family! A woman like me needs to be submissive and do as she’s told, be used however her man wants!”

“See, now you’re getting it!” He was clueless to my sarcasm, making me more angry and disappointed in the man I loved.

“That’s all you were waiting for, wasn’t it?! For me to play into this idea you have of me that I’m just this whor* who thinks she’s so much better than you! Well, I don’t!!” I sighed, placing a hand in my hair as I tried to calm myself, not wanting to cry. “Why would I have tried so desperately to make you happy? You made it clear you hated me since the day we met and I still fell head over heels for you! I tried to support you, even when you’d treat me like sh*t! You can’t just ignore all that!”

“That has got to be the DUMBEST thing I’ve heard all day!”

I sighed, looking at the man with disgust and sorrow. “Do you feel any kind of remorse for what you do? Have you ever even apologized—shown you were sorry once in your life?!” I turned away, opening the door. I grabbed his arm, shoving him outside and closing the door with a loud slam. I held my back to the door, locking it as he yelled and banged on the door.

“I won’t apologize to a useless bitch like you!! I should’ve never gotten with you in the first place!! f*ck you!!” He continued to yell, his voice soon going quiet, the sound of footsteps leaving. I sighed, looking through the peephole to see he was gone.

Exhausted and emotionally drained, I turned to see Stolas and Blitz standing there, concern etched on their faces. “Are you okay?” Stolas asked softly, his hand resting gently on my shoulder.

I nodded, though I could still feel the adrenaline coursing through me. “I’m okay. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”

Millie moved to my side, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. “We’re here for you. You don’t have to deal with this alone.”

Blitz growled, his eyes narrowing at the thought of what you assumed was Jake. “Next time he shows up, he’s gonna regret it.”

Something inside me instinctively snapped. “I said I was okay.”

I stood up properly, leaving them and heading to the kitchen where I made myself a cup of coffee, spiking it with alcohol. It was something that had always comforted me. I could feel worried glances as Blitz walked over, grabbing the bottle and drinking some.

“Ahh, so you drink the pain away?” he remarked, his tone sarcastic. I glared, snatching the bottle and moving it to my lips. I didn’t respond.

“I’m gonna call off work for this morning, say I’m sick or some sh*t.”

Technically, I wasn’t lying; I felt like I was going to break. I took the coffee and bottle with me, grabbing my phone from the nightstand and calling my manager.

When I returned to the group, they seemed tense as I flopped onto the couch. Millie tried to comfort me, but I brushed her off, not wanting to talk.

“Maybe we should give (Y/n) some space,” Moxxie suggested, his voice soft.

Stolas looked concerned. “Are you sure you’re alright, darling? You seem... different.”

“I’m fine. Just need some time alone,” I muttered, taking another sip of my spiked coffee.

Blitz, unable to let things go, kept pushing. “You don’t have to bottle it up, you know. We’re here to help.”

I snapped again, my patience wearing thin. “I said I was fine. Stop pestering me.”

The group exchanged worried glances but backed off, starting to converse among themselves. I noticed Blitz and Stolas’s disconnect from the conversation, their eyes occasionally flicking towards me with concern.

Moxxie and Millie tried to keep the atmosphere light, talking about work and other mundane topics, but their voices faded into the background as I focused on my coffee. I didn’t want to think about Jake, about what had just happened, or about the sympathetic looks everyone was giving me.

Blitz and Stolas seemed especially distant, their usual bickering absent. I couldn’t bring myself to care. I just wanted to be left alone with my thoughts and my drink.

I soon left for my room, where I sat in silence, door closed and locked. I looked at the bottle in my hand, sighing as I realized just how pathetic I must’ve looked. I sighed again, still drinking the bottle of alcohol. I laid in my bed, remembering all the good moments between Jake, our little boy, and me. Family outings, birthdays, the family cuddle puddles, and fun trips. I soon remembered how much we’d argue, how I had to even protect my own son from that man. My eyes narrowed as I grew angrier, remembering all the times I let him back into my life, despite everything. I chugged the bottle, beginning to feel tipsy, but I didn’t care.

As the morning turned to night, I had sobered up a little, getting ready for work at the nightclub. I wore a baggy shirt that was cut to show my shoulders and cleavage. I then put on biker shorts. I didn’t really care about work right now; I simply wanted to be comfy. I finally walked out of my room, the group all looking at me. I blinked a few times, as if I had forgotten they were there.

“I’m off to work,” I spoke, them all acknowledging me but not responding. I left awkwardly, Stolas and the others following close behind. I soon walked behind them, the group remembering the walk from the apartment to the club. That’s when I began to analyze their appearances. Blitz had a white streak in his hair, his brown hair matching his eyes. Stolas’s hair was layered and fell elegantly, just like his attire. He was paler than the others.

I had seen Moxxie and Millie without their human disguises, but not Blitz and Stolas. I questioned it, my mind slowly moving to Stolas and Blitz once more.

Why are they fine as f*ck? I thought.

Stolas glanced at me, a soft smile on his lips. I looked at him in confusion as he giggled. I moved to his side, looking up at him in confusion.

“I can hear your thoughts, you know, dear,” I heard Stolas speak in my mind, making my face heat up.

“I forgot,” I responded mentally. Stolas simply patted my back. Blitz chatted with Millie about horses, going on a rant about how amazing they were. Stolas and I were quietly listening as Moxxie would occasionally join the conversation.

“You know, I’ve been in that situation before. With Blitz.” I heard Stolas’s voice in my mind once more, my eyebrows furrowing. I looked at him as he spoke, the man’s eyes showing somewhat healed heartbreak. “It was years ago, on a full moon, I told him how I felt about him, and he thought I was doing some kind of roleplay. He always thinks I look down on him. I see how that could’ve been thought; I was never best with words.” He spoke his story, my eyes saddening as I remembered how distant they were hours prior. “The next morning, we basically had the same conversation as you and Jake did. I drank the pain away too, all the time. But the pain never truly goes away until you move on.”

“How did you move on?” I asked the man as I placed my hand on his arm, almost in a comforting way. He looked at me, giving me a saddened smile.

“I didn’t.” He looked away, my eyes widening as I looked over to Blitz, who smiled as he annoyed Moxxie. “I will always love him, but I’m not in love with him anymore.” I understood what he meant.

“Thank you.” I whispered to him, the man moving my hand to his and holding it gently. His hand was larger in comparison, and I couldn’t help but think about what it might’ve been like in his demon form. He moved his thumb in a gentle way as we turned one last time, the nightclub in view.

When we entered, I worked, the group sitting at the bar with me. They chatted with each other as they worked, Stolas chatting with me with ease. Blitz would chime in, jealous of my attention on Stolas. Moxxie would tell him to leave us alone.

I heard a familiar song, humming to it. It was technically a heartbreak song, even though it was about rebound sex. I swayed my hips as I poured drinks, enjoying the music.

A woman walked to the bar, her eyes scanning me. “What a cutie~” she spoke, making me glance over to look at her. She was tall, with piercings on her lips, nose, and eyebrow, and tattoos along her body. I could see the muscle on her arms and the abs that were shown on her tight black dress. Her curly, dark red hair was cut in a wolfcut style. My face began to heat, Blitz immediately noticing.

“Is it possible to get the bartender a drink?” she flirted as she looked at me with a soft smile. I giggled as I began to match her energy.

“That depends, are you gonna give me a tip?” She looked me up and down as I leaned on the counter to get closer to her.

“Something like that~” I giggled, the girl soon laughing as well.

“What a cute smile you’ve got, pretty girl.” I felt my heart skip a beat.

As we continued to flirt, Blitz interjected. “I think it’s time for you to go, emo.” The woman looked at him in confusion.

“Who are you?” she asked, genuinely curious as I sighed.

“Ignore him, he’s my… roommate,” I lied, making him nod.

“A protective one,” he hissed, making me feel slightly embarrassed. Moxxie flicked his forehead, making him wince. Stolas couldn’t help but giggle, earning a glare from Blitz.

I moved my attention back to the woman, her smile never faltering. “My shift ends in a few hours. If you want, you can come over?” I cooed, the girl’s face heating as she nodded in agreement.

“I’ll see you soon, baby~” With that, she left the bar to join her friends. I noticed the group cheer her on, talking about how she was gonna f*ck the hot bartender.

“You’re not f*cking her in our bed…” Blitz spoke, making me look at him.

“Our bed? Last I checked, you’re temporary,” I barked back, earning a pout. I giggled as I ruffled his hair, soon continuing my job.

As the night went on, I found myself distracted by the promise of something new and exciting. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about the red-haired woman waiting for me. Maybe tonight, I could finally let go of the past and enjoy a night, even if just for a little while.

As I clocked out, I left the group and found the redhead waiting for me. She smiled warmly, taking my hand as we walked to my apartment. I could hear my group following behind, their footsteps a constant reminder of their presence. Ruby and I made small talk, her laugh light and contagious.

“So, Ruby, tell me more about yourself,” I asked, genuinely curious.

She chuckled. “Well, I work as a tattoo artist. Been doing it for about five years now. I love creating art that people carry with them forever.”

“That’s amazing,” I said, impressed. “I’ve always admired people who can create art like that.”

“What about you?” she asked, squeezing my hand lightly. “What do you do when you’re not bartending?”

I smiled, thinking about my motley crew. “I… uh, I help out some friends with a family business. It’s a bit unconventional, but it keeps things interesting.”

Ruby nodded, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. “Sounds intriguing. Maybe you’ll tell me more about it sometime.”

We continued walking, the conversation flowing easily. I found myself relaxing in her presence, the tension from earlier slowly melting away.

We reached my apartment building, and I could feel the group’s eyes on us. I turned to look at them, giving a small nod before leading Ruby inside.

As we entered my apartment, I tried to ignore the silent presence of Stolas, Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie outside. I focused on Ruby, who seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me.

“Your place is nice,” she said, looking around.

“Thanks,” I replied, a bit embarrassed by the modesty of my apartment. “It’s home.”

She looked around, smiling at the photos on the walls before I smiled towards her, leaning on the hall walls. Blitz and the others entered the apartment, their presence a silent but constant reminder of their support.

“Shall we?” I asked, extending my hand in a playful manner.

Ruby giggled, taking my hand. “We shall.”

As we walked to my room, I heard a third pair of footsteps following. Blitz was trailing us, his curiosity clearly getting the better of him.

“Don’t mind me, just gonna—” Blitz began, but I quickly closed the door in his face, earning a groan from him. Locking the door, I turned to Ruby, who was already stepping closer to me.

Without a word, she kissed me. The kiss was soft at first, exploratory and gentle, but it quickly became heated. Our breaths mingled, and I felt a surge of excitement and anticipation.

We kissed with equal rhythm, our movements synchronized as if we had done this a hundred times before. Ruby pushed me onto my bed, her body pressing against mine as she got on my lap. Her hands roamed, exploring my body with a confidence that sent shivers down my spine.

I kissed her once more, letting her take control. It felt liberating to let go, to trust someone new after everything I had been through. Ruby’s touch was both firm and gentle, her kisses leaving a trail of warmth wherever they landed.

As the night continued, I found myself lost in the moment, forgetting the pain and the fear that had been my constant companions. Ruby’s presence was a balm to my soul, her touch a reminder that there was still beauty and joy to be found in the world.

For the first time in a long while, I felt truly alive. I felt pure pleasure. She took my pleasure into account, not just doing what she wanted.

The feeling of her lips, her fingers, her tongue. It was blissful. You had rebound sex before, it was normal for you to bring customers home when you needed to cope. And each time was a rarity or good and bad.

This was heavenly, to the point where you wanted to keep her for yourself.I loved the way she said my name, whether it was her being demanding or a whine. I loved the way she bended, the way she broke with my every touch. Her makeup, funny from the exertion, drool forming on her cheeks as we f*cked. I loved the way she tasted, the way her eyes became glossy each time she came. I loved the way she touched me in return.

But most of all, I loved the way she f*cked me as if I was nothing more than toy, going rough with me.

Her eyes spoke for her, telling me everything she had wanted. I scratched her back, red scars forming as she f*cked me. I was so grateful to have sex toys.

We spent the night together, simply enjoying the moment.


Blitz sat on the couch, rubbing his temples as he heard the inappropriate activities from (Y/n)’s room. Moxxie was flushed, but Millie hyped (Y/n) on enthusiastically. Stolas sat nearby, his face heating as he quietly cheered as well.

“Can this emo hurry up and leave?!” Blitz groaned, moving a pillow to his ears.

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t join in if (Y/n) let you,” Moxxie groaned, leaning back on the couch, strangely unbothered by the sexual noises and words coming from the bedroom.

“Well, duh! (Y/n)’s fine as f*ck!” Blitz snapped back.

“She’s quite beautiful,” Stolas agreed, his tone wistful.

“See, even my f*cking ex agrees!” Blitz exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

Millie laughed, giving Blitz a playful nudge. “We all know you’re enjoying it, pervert. No need to be so grumpy about it!”

Blitz rolled his eyes, though a small smirk tugged at his lips. “Yeah, yeah. Just... someone remind me to soundproof her room tomorrow.”

Moxxie chuckled, shaking his head. “Good luck with that.”

Stolas leaned in, his voice soft. “Maybe we can find a way to help her move on without it being quite so... loud.”

Blitz sighed, nodding. “Anything’s better than this.”

As the night went on, Blitz found himself thinking of (Y/n), his mind wandering to what they were doing in there. Soon, the noises subsided, and Blitz sighed in relief. “Yay, now she can leave!”

“(Y/n) seems like the type to enjoy aftercare and take it seriously. I don’t think Ruby will be leaving anytime soon,” Stolas observed, earning another groan from Blitz.

After a few more hours, you exited your room with Ruby, the two of you giggling as you talked about a show you both enjoyed. You walked her out, the woman kissing your cheek for farewell. You stretched your arms, Blitz glaring at you.

Stolas noticed your chipper demeanor, making the waiting worth it.

“Go clean your damn sheets so I can sleep!” Blitz yelled, making you laugh as you walked off to your room, doing as told. You came back with dirtied sheets and blankets, now replacing them with new ones.

“Happy now?” you teased, tossing the old sheets into a laundry basket.

Blitz grumbled but his irritation was already fading. “Yeah, yeah, just don’t make a habit of it.”

You rolled your eyes playfully. “Sure thing, boss.”

Stolas chuckled, watching the interaction with amusem*nt. “It’s good to see you in high spirits, (Y/n).”

You smiled, feeling the weight of the night lift a bit more. “Thanks, Stolas. I needed that.”

Millie gave you a thumbs up, her supportive energy always a boost. “You go, girl!”

As (Y/n) moved closer, Blitz couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and warmth. She settled against him, and he instinctively wrapped an arm around her. The closeness felt oddly comforting despite his earlier grumbling.

"You're such a softie," (Y/n) teased, her voice muffled against his chest.

"Shut up," Blitz retorted, though his tone lacked any real bite. He sighed, relaxing a little more as he felt her settle into a peaceful rhythm.

Blitz found himself thinking about the difference in the way Stolas and he interacted with (Y/n). Stolas was always gentle, almost reverent, while Blitz found himself falling into a more playful, sometimes abrasive dynamic with her. He wondered which approach she preferred, if any.

"You know," (Y/n) murmured, breaking the silence, "I like it when you let your guard down."

Blitz tensed for a moment before relaxing again. "Yeah, well, don't get used to it," he said, trying to sound tough but failing miserably. The softness in her eyes made it clear she saw right through him.

They lay there in silence for a while, the sounds of the city outside a distant hum. Blitz's mind wandered back to the day's events, the confrontation with Jake, and how protective he had felt. He wasn't used to feeling this way, but he couldn't deny it was there.

"Hey," (Y/n) said softly, "thanks for having my back today."

Blitz looked down at her, his expression softening. "Yeah, well, someone had to," he replied, his voice gruff. "Can't let assholes like that think they can just walk all over you."

(Y/n) smiled, snuggling closer. "I appreciate it, Blitz. Really."

He didn't respond, but the way he tightened his hold on her said enough. They drifted off to sleep, the earlier tension melting away in the warmth of their shared space. For now, at least, things felt right.

Whispers of the Night - Chapter 6 - viidvsii (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Views: 5945

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.