Online Urdu Dictionary - Meaning of Urdu Words | Rekhta (2024)

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Online Urdu Dictionary - Meaning of Urdu Words | Rekhta (1)
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pricking, pain

ai dil ḳhalish chal yūñhī sahī chaltā to huuñ un mahfil meñ

us vaqt mujhe chauñkā denā jab rañg pe mahfil aa jaa.e

O heartache, come,I do agree, to go and join her company

there rouse me from my reverie, when it befits the atmosphere

ai dil ki KHalish chal yunhi sahi chalta to hun un ki mahfil mein

us waqt mujhe chaunka dena jab rang pe mahfil aa jae

O heartache, come,I do agree, to go and join her company

there rouse me from my reverie, when it befits the atmosphere

from the Ghazal "ai jazba-e-dil gar main chahun har chiz muqabil aa jae" by Behzad Lakhnavi

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Online Urdu Dictionary - Meaning of Urdu Words | Rekhta (2024)
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